Deleting Domains (Cancelling Registration)

If you are using the self-management system you simply log into your account at where you will find the option to delete your domain name(s).

Please note that an agreement to register a domain name via CHANNELISLES.NET is an ongoing contract, just like a mobile phone or electricity agreement. So you have to pay the Annual Fee each year until you cancel the agreement . "Cancelling the agreement" and "deleting a domain" are the same thing.

Cancellations may only be submitted through our website (not by email).

If the domain name concerned is on the legacy system, you will need to complete a legacy deletion form, where you should enter one of the authorised email addresses that are associated with the domain name. If you are unsure what they are, or you are not able to receive email sent to an authorised address, youcomplete the form using a current, working, email address and follow the instructions that will be sent to you.