Our WHOIS service allows some information to be queried about about registered domain names.

For reasons of our own privacy policy and applicable data protection law, including the GDPR, we only publish abbreviated information on the internet.

Information published might include the name of the registrant  (if it is an organisation) and details of the registrar through whom the domain is registered.

To query the WHOIS service, you may either

   (a) use the box in the top right-hand corner, above,
   (b) use any standard (command-line or graphical) "port 43" WHOIS client.

If you are a law enforcement agency or other legitimate enquirer (such as lawyer representing clients, or you are a party to a domain name dispute) you should contact the Registrar (as shown in a WHOIS response) in the first instance.  Please note: only if the Registrar is listed as “Direct” or “Community” should you contact us for such enquiries, (If you beleive a registrar has wrongly refused or failed to provide information in response to a legitimate interest request, you may open a complaint with us)

On our Register we record a contact name for registrants as well as their company/organisation, if any.  So that an individual's (natural person's) name is not published when they did not want, or expect it to be, we only show the (optional) name of the Registrant Organisation (if supplied) under 'Registrant' in the public WHOIS output.

Accordingly, you should ensure this field (through your registrar's interface) is completed if you intend the data to be available in response to a WHOIS query, and it should be left blank otherwise. If the 'Organisation' field is left blank, the WHOIS will show the registrant's identity as '(Redacted for privacy)'.