Please note that our main support method is email. You can reach us by email at any time, 365 days a year. Email is checked regularly. Click here to get in touch with us by email.
If you are not currently able to send or receive email, you may leave a detailed description of your query or problem on 0800 810 1086 and one of our team will be in touch.
If you find you have any difficulties with getting through to the Freefone number (or you are calling from abroad), you can use a local Island number, which is (01481 or 01534) 521713, although 0800 810 1086 is the preferred number.
Calls to the 0800 number are free of charge within the Channel Islands, and also from the UK and Isle of Man. Calls may be recorded or monitored at any time for training, compliance and quality assurance purposes.)